Current Position:
15 ° 50.35 North
083 ° 17.99 West
If you can, we recommend you look our position up on Google Earth. We
are in the Vivorillos Cays, which are beautiful and wonderfully in the
middle of nowhere. We are one of two boats here right now (the most
that were here during our stay was four). It's the kind of place
where the days melt together, with snorkeling, beach play, fishing and
beautiful sunsets. It feels like we could stay here forever, but
there are strong winds coming and we need to move along so that we can
enjoy the destinations coming up (the Bay Islands, Guatemala, Belize
and Mexico). So we are leaving later today for the Bay Islands.
Overall, the last couple of weeks have been amazin. We spent a little
under a week on the island of Providencia before coming here to the
Vivorillos. It was one of the most charming islands we've visited on
the entire trip. Nominally it is part of Columbia, but culturally they
identify with England (I think the last time they were actually part
of England was the late 1700s). In fact, on the island, they call it
"Old Providence" rather than Providencia. One night, the cruisers were
all invited to an appreciation night sponsored by the tourist bureau,
where an honest-to-goodness Caribbean string band played (including
percussion played on a horse jaw bone and bass on an upturned tub) and
locals demonstrated historical ballroom dancing (that is, English
costumes and waltzes and mazurkas to a Caribbean beat).
For our sailor friends, the most shocking aspect of Old Providence/
Providencia is that we felt comfortable leaving our dinghy unlocked at
the dinghy dock. I think the last island where we left our dinghy
unlocked was St. Barth's. And before that, the Bahamas. Actually, as
I think of it, that is the entire list of places where we left our
dinghy unlocked.
We will fit one more snorkel in this morning before heading out around
noon. We should arrive in the Bay Islands sometime tomorrow. Hope
all is well back home!
The Crew of Blue Kai
(thanks to my sister, Marla, for posting this!)